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尋樂香港冷門樂器店 Museek Studio Hong Kong 石硤尾白田街30號賽馬會創意藝術中心L1-02 L1-02 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC) 30 Pak Tin Street,Shek Kip Mei Tel: 98398489 Email: museekstudio@gmail.com 開放時間 Opening Hours: Mon - Sun 13:00 - 19:30 ig/fb: museekstudiohk Web: museek.online E: museekstudiohk@gmail.com 為什麼要尋樂 - 尋找世界不同的樂器? 每多一種樂器,就能讓我們聲音的字典添上一項,豐富聲音庫藏。 有別於一般樂器店,我們專門搜羅世界各地不同的民族、自然、冷門、容易上手的樂器,讓沒有學過音樂的朋友能容易進入,也讓專業樂手能豐富他們的音樂。 樂器買賣 樂器來源: 我們提供的樂器必須為符合以下五項條件中,最少其中一項: 自然樂器 || 民族樂器 || 手工樂器 || 靈性樂器 || 冷門樂器 尋樂現時的貨源來自世界各地共現時樂器來自六大洲共二十多個國家。 「尋樂 - 搜羅世界各地冷門但有溫度的樂器,一起透過樂器去了解世界的不同。 讓主流樂器無法感動到的你,找到屬於自己的聲音。」 服務提供 我們與本地不同音樂人、樂器匠人、音樂治療師、劇場、瑜伽靜觀導師等不同單位合作,能為你的機構度身訂造適合的課程或活動。 歡迎幼兒園/中小學/社福機構及企業聯絡查詢。 Museek: a unique studio to seek and discover a world of instruments Enriching the world’s audio archive with through every instrument. Unlike other music instrument sellers, Museek Studio presents a collection of multicultural, all natural, unconventional or easy to handle musical instruments from around the globe. We provide an easy access to those new to music, as well as contributing to musical professionals for the further enrichment of their work. Instrument trading About Sourcing: Instruments offered at Museek comply with at least one of the below five criteria: All natural || Ethnic || Handmade || Spiritual|| Unconventional Museek currently offers musical instruments from more than 20 countries across six continents. “Presenting unconventional yet heart-warming musical instruments from across the globe, Museek allows one to seek and discover a world of possibilities – so that even when mainstream instruments fail to move us, our very own voices can be found.” Services We collaborate with local musicians, instrument creators, music therapists, theatre/drama, yoga and meditation instructors and provide customised classes and activities. We welcome enquiries from organisations including education institutes (servicing persons of any age from preschool, tertiary to further education), NGOs and corporations.
