印尼竹製 原住民圖案雨聲棒 Bamboo Aborigin-patterned Rainstick

竹製原住民圖案雨聲棒 Terre Bamboo Aborigin-patterned Rainstick



竹製雨聲棒是一款具有濃厚原住民風格的樂器。 這款雨聲棒由竹製成,經彩繪後呈現出獨特的Aborigin圖案,擁有獨特聲音特性,模擬真實雨滴落下的聲音。 它適合在創造音樂氛圍、療癒音樂、冥想、教育等各種場合使用。而每支雨聲棒各有自己的圖騰,自己的世界,是對原住民文化的尊重和傳承。 利用地球資源,化成雨林中細膩的聲音。 - The bamboo Aborigin-patterned rainstick is a musical instrument with a strong indigenous flair. Made from bamboo and intricately carved, it showcases a unique Aborigin pattern. With distinct sound characteristics, it simulates the sound of real raindrops falling. It is suitable for use in creating an atmosphere, music healing, meditation, and educational settings. The rainstick is not only an instrument but also a beautiful handicraft, demonstrating respect and appreciation for indigenous culture. Reflecting appreciation to valuing Earth's resources. ----- 送貨安排: · 所有貨品會在落單後7日內寄出,請耐心等候 · 滿HKD 2,000元免運費,落單時選用順便櫃(到付)就可,Museek會先付運費再送出。 Shipping Arrangements: · All items will be shipped within 7 days after placing the order. Please be patient · while waiting. · Free shipping for orders over HKD 2,000. When placing an order, choose S.F. Express Cabinet (cash on delivery), and Museek will pay the shipping fee before sending it out.

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