Asalato 一對



Asalato來自非洲,它由兩個曬乾的鼻煙盒樹果實構成,果實內裝入相思豆種子,並用繩子連接。 演奏者通過搖晃、兩球的撞擊產生節奏,能融合于多樣節奏型態及音樂風格,簡單的兩個果實加入種子,卻帶來千變萬化的可能性。 Asalato originates from Africa and is made up of two dried calabash fruit shells, filled with Acacia seeds and connected by a string. Performers create rhythm by shaking and colliding the two balls, allowing for a fusion of diverse rhythmic patterns and musical styles. The simple combination of two fruit shells with seeds inside offers a myriad of possibilities and variations. ----- 送貨安排: · 所有貨品會在落單後7日內寄出,請耐心等候 · 滿HKD 2,000元免運費,落單時選用順便櫃(到付)就可,Museek會先付運費再送出。 Shipping Arrangements: · All items will be shipped within 7 days after placing the order. Please be patient · while waiting. · Free shipping for orders over HKD 2,000. When placing an order, choose S.F. Express Cabinet (cash on delivery), and Museek will pay the shipping fee before sending it out.

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